MSP – Mobile Signature of the Place

MSP – Mobile Signature of the Place
It was Virginia Woolf who claimed that woman needs her own space and some amount of money to to be independent and creative.
The work of mine which examines that aspect is Mobile Signature of the Place form 2000. The object is made from 25 rectangles, can be arrange and used as a carpet. Its aim is to mark the place, the private space where no one can enter. It is portable and easy folding so can be to taken and moved to other context very fast. During that time I had a great need to mark the space, to separate from the rest of the world – from public space and private space of the others. That act can be read as a feministic demands of having the own room, to be independent. Here privacy is understood to provide positive qualities, such as the right to be alone, to confidentiality and the safeguarding of individuality.