Flowers 2004-2007

Flowers 2004-2007
Performance site-specific objects a series of photographs (light boxes)
The project was initiated as an artistic action. Objects created then were made of female clothing, which soft and rounded shapes were strikingly reminiscent of the living organisms of multicolored flowers. The artist was wearing various items of clothing such as stockings, petticoats or pants, which she subsequently removed and shaped to form part of an object. The process was performed in solitude. The audience could only experience the already “formed” flower. On the one hand, Flowers are innocuous, beautiful, decorative objects; on the other, in a deeper layer of meaning, they contain the memory of the absent woman, her warmth and smell and evoke an image of the beauty of her nakedness. The environment in which they were presented – a park – further added to the disquieting thoughts. A question arose: what had happened to the woman, whose clothes are dispersed in such a public place? The artist demonstrates how thin is the dividing line between innocence and beauty―and cruelty, humiliation and callousness.
read Flowers instead of an apple by Magdalena Ujma

work belongs to MOCAK gallery