Abandoned 2004-2011

Abandoned 2004-2011
photographs, objects in the park
A series of photographs documenting “abandoned clothes”, which were by chance found in various places in the city: in the park, hanging from a bush or dropped onto a railway line. As it happenes in the piece Flowers, the imagination of the spectator is stimulated to start asking questions about abandoned things. The Flowers are innocent. The innocence of the Abandoned is destroyed. Their reality is dirty, cold and homeless. The future appears uncertain, identity―lost, function―unknown. The Abandoned are a document, a proof and a riddle… They are awkward at times. They get in the way. The audience is moved to ask: what are they for? What to do with them?
Flowers – Abandoned, 2006, Tilet Belgia, 2006
Objects in a park. The goal of an action in the Beeldien Buiten Tielt park in Belgium aimed at creating the Flowers made from clothes and to leave them in the park for a month (the usual duration of an exhibition) so that, exposed to the weather, they would undergo the natural process of decay or mechanical destruction by people or animals. After a month, photographic documentation took place, which – in a natural way – fits into the series Abandoned.
It is a piece that records a process in which the Flowers change into the Abandoned.